What do the prices shown in my app include?


What does the wholesale / live price shown in the app include?

  • Base wholesale price (Generation costs)
    • The direct price we pay the electricity generators for energy (price set by AEMO)
  • Network usage costs
    • A price per kWh, that networks charge to use and maintain their poles and wires
    • E.g., peak, off peak, shoulder charges that you may see on your bill (depending on your network and tariff)
  • Other costs
    • This includes regulatory compliance costs, carbon offset costs, and a small cost for hedging that is used for our quarterly bill guarantee
  • GST for usage costs
    • GST is applied to the general usage prices, but note these are not included for solar feed-in prices

In summary, the live price in your app includes everything that you see in the 'Usage Fees' table in your bill, on page 3.

The wholesale / live price shown in the Amber app does not include:

  • Daily charges
    • Amber's subscription fee
    • Network daily charges
    • Metering daily charges
  • Concessions, rebates, or discounts
  • Demand charges (if you are on a demand tariff)
    • If you're on a demand tariff, the demand charge is calculated at the end of the month and so will not be included in the live prices shown
    • The demand charge is calculated using your peak usage within a 30-minute period, during a demand window - for more information check out How do demand tariffs work with Amber?


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