Will I still save with Amber if I don't reduce my usage during a price spike?


If you use a lot of power during a price spike, you can expect to get a much higher bill than normal. Some people are OK with this, but most people will want to shift their usage away from price spike periods if possible.

You see, for most people, wholesale prices are cheaper in total over the year, but they’re not necessarily cheaper in every month of the year. In a typical year Amber customers with average usage will see bills $30-50 cheaper than a traditional plan in most months of the year, but then $80-100 more expensive in occasional months when the grid is under a lot of strain (this is typically Australia's hottest month, January, but in 2021 this occurred in May). Your bill could be more expensive in months with price spikes if you don't reduce your usage. We've put together some handy tips on how to reduce your usage and save during a price spike.


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