Amber is now available throughout VIC, NSW, SA, SE QLD, and ACT to customers in the following networks:
- Citipower
- Powercor
- Jemena
- Ausnet
- United Energy
- Ausgrid
- Endeavour
- Essential
In SA:
- Energex
- Evoenergy
Unfortunately, customers outside these networks won't be able to sign up to Amber at this time.
A note on embedded networks:
If you are on an embedded network, that means the electrical wiring is configured in such a way that the owner of your building sells energy to all the tenants based there. The owner of a site with an embedded network usually buys energy from an energy retailer and then ‘on-sells’ the energy to the different customers at the site. So, unfortunately, you cannot switch your electricity provider and thus won't be able to join Amber.
However, please note: Just because meters are all together in an apartment building does not necessarily mean it is an embedded network. Just send an old electricity bill to us by using the support button below so we can confirm that for you.
When will Amber be available to Ergon customers in regional SE QLD?
The note about embedded networks seems incorrect and misleading. People on embedded networks can totally switch providers if that provider will offer an "energy only" contract. It sounds like the real story is that Amber is not willing to make such offers.
when will it hit Tasmania
Need the love back too
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