How do I add a secondary account holder?


If you wish to add someone as a second / secondary account holder, they will:

  • Be listed as an authority on the account should they need to contact us in the future
  • A secondary account holder will receive copies of your invoice, each billing period
    • A secondary account holder won't be named on the bill - though we can provide a letter of authority if the second account holder needs proof of account ownership
    • You can't add another / secondary user to the app - only the primary account holder will have a login

    • A secondary account holder won't be able to claim concessions - only a primary account holder can. If you'd like to change the primary account holder, check out I want to transfer my account to another person

If you'd like to add a secondary account holder, please send across the following details for the second account holder to

  • Full Name:
  • Date of birth:
  • Email:
  • Phone number:
  • A government issued photo ID document, for example:
    • A driver licence (or driver’s licence) issued under the law of a State or Territory OR a current passport OR another form of photographic identification (i.e. one form of ID with photo);
    • a Pensioner Concession Card or other entitlement card, issued under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory;
    • a birth certificate.

Will the secondary account holder receive a separate login for the app?

The secondary account holder will not receive a separate login for the app, only the primary account holder will have a login.

Will the secondary account holder be named on the bill?

Please note, we can't add another name to your bill, but we can add the individual as a secondary account holder and provide a letter of authority if the second account holder needs proof of account ownership (for visa/ID reasons).

What access will the secondary account holder have?

The secondary/ additional account holder is authorised to contact Amber and we can provide them general information about the account - e.g., charges on the bill, transfer status.

However, they will not be authorised to make any changes to the account and will need permission from the primary account holder to do so. The primary account holder can use the Amber app to request account changes - e.g. move ins, move outs, and updating payment details.

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