How do I refund credits to my bank account?


If your account is in credit, well done! Your balance will automatically be rolled over to the next month and will be used to cover any bills going forward, unless you'd like it to be refunded.

Note that the following only applies if your account is in credit.

If you'd like to refund the amount to your bank account, please send the following information to (from the e-mail associated with your account) and we will process the refund for you. 

Subject line: Credit refund request

  • Amount to refund: 
  • If you use a credit card as your payment method:
    • Bank details
      • BSB
      • Account Number
  • If you use a bank account as your payment method, you can skip this step


  • If you've already provided your details in the past, just let us know the amount to refund
  • Please send us a separate e-mail, don't attach or forward any bill e-mails when sending this
  • The same steps apply if you're enquiring about refunding credits for a closed account.

How long will it take to reach my account?

This can take 3-5 business days to process and for the payment to land in your bank account.

If I pay using a credit card, will this change my payment method?

For credit card customers, this won't change your payment method - we'll only use the bank details to process the refund for you.

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  • It'd be great if you could just automatically do this every month for customers who opt in.

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  • A simple funds deposit and withdraw system would be better.

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