How do payment plans work at Amber?


A fixed-instalment payment plan is one of the flexible payment options available at Amber. If you find yourself overdue, or falling behind on your bills you can apply for a plan.

On a payment plan, you will pay an agreed amount on a fixed frequency (weekly, fortnightly or monthly), for a fixed length of time (up to 12 months), to pay off your arrears and keep up with your ongoing usage costs. 

Once your payment plan ends, you will generally be expected to return to a regular billing cycle, where you pay your bills on or before each bill due date.

How do I start a payment plan?

If your account is overdue you can request a payment plan from the 'Bills' tab in our app. Click 'Payment Options' in the top right, select 'Payment Plan' and follow the prompts. Once you have confirmed your payment plan you will receive a confirmation email with all the details.

Why can't I see this in the app?

There may be a few reasons why you can't see the 'Payment Plan' option in the app:

  • If you have a very large overdue balance, very high daily costs, or have not complied with a number of payment plans in the past, you will be directed from the app to reach out to one of our team to discuss your plan
  • If your account is in credit or not overdue

How do I make my payments?

If you set up your plan in our app, we can now direct debit your payment plan instalments on their due dates using the payment method you have on file with us (bank account or credit/debit card). If you need to update your payment details you can do this in the Amber app under Settings > Update payment details. If you don't have a direct debit arrangement set up then please reach out to us to turn this back on so your payment plan can be direct debited on the due date.

If you do not have a valid direct debit arrangement set up, please pay your instalments using BPAY. BPAY details are on each of your bills, and can also be found by clicking 'Make a BPay' on the 'Payment Options' screen in our app. Please note BPay payments can take 2-3 business days to process so make sure to pay before your instalment due dates.

How do you calculate my payment amount?

When we calculate your payment instalments, we aim to get your account balance back to $0 at the end of the plan. We therefore take into account the following:

  • Your current outstanding balance
  • Your forecasted bills during the payment plan (based on your average costs per day)
  • Any period between your last bill and starting your payment plan (based on your average costs per day)

What if I can't pay that amount right now?

If the payment plan instalment amount calculated for you is not achievable, or you are experiencing financial hardship, you can reach out to a member of our team to discuss other options. You can reach us at You can read more about our Financial Hardship Policy and entering our program here.

What if I can't make a payment on my plan?

If you expect to miss a payment, or are no longer able to stick to the agreed plan, please reach out to a member of our team to discuss other options. You can reach us at

If you miss a payment due date while on a payment plan you should make up that payment as soon as possible using BPay. We will send you reminder emails, and if you do not make up the payment your plan may be cancelled. 

What happens when my payment plan ends?

When your plan is closed, you will return to a regular billing cycle, where you are expected to pay your bills on or before each bill due date. If you still have an outstanding balance on your Amber account you may be referred to our collections team. 


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