On the heels of Ausgrid's two-way tariff which many of Amber's battery customers in the Ausgrid network have been enjoying, SA Power Networks (SAPN) has introduced its own two-way tariff to incentivise energy behaviours that are good for the grid and the environment.
What’s on offer
- 12.3c/kWh bonus feed-in tariff during peak periods daily from November to March (5pm-9pm)
- Cheaper (3.01c/kWh) and longer solar sponge 10am-4pm daily
- Longer (14hr, not 4hr) shoulder period at a slightly higher rate (9.78c/kWh)
- 9kWh daily export allowance during solar sponge window, which carries over if unused
- Tariff available now!
The times at which the tariffs will apply (excluding seasonal changes such as the export reward):
Who can make the most of this tariff
- Battery Requirements: Due to the export bonus and the peak consumption charges both falling between 5pm-9pm, your battery needs to be able to power your home until 9 PM every night to make the most of the benefits of this tariff
- Make sure your battery is fully charged by 5pm (we'll help with SmartShift). To ensure you can sell excess energy for a bonus FiT and avoid peak charges throughout the peak period, ideally it would still have 30% state of charge by the end of the peak period at 9pm. This is because SmartShift can only control your battery if it has at least 25% state of charge.
Who is not best suited to this tariff
- Anyone whose battery can’t usually power their home through to 9pm and is a heavy user of grid energy during the peak period
Things to consider before joining
While there are significant benefits on offer for the right fit customers, given the charges in the peak pricing period, the one year commitment and the fact there's NOT a no worse off guarantee, we recommend that Amber customers consider if they're well suited to this tariff before joining.
- Peak Window Pricing of 33.0c/kWh (added to the wholesale rate): The usage pricing during the peak window for this tariff is 15c higher, but it's only for a 4-hour period. For comparison, the Residential Time of Use (RTOU) offering has a much longer 14-hour Peak window.
- Between 10am-4pm there is a 1c/kWh charge for exporting more than 9kWh of solar, but if you have a SmartShift compatible hybrid battery/inverter setup, we'll include it in the feed-in tariff price and SmartShift will optimise around this charge and curtail your solar like we do already.
- Provided you’re not a heavy user of energy during the peak price period (5-9pm), you can do well on this tariff even without significant exports during the peak period thanks to the low usage rates on offer
- One year commitment: SAPN will not switch your tariff again for a year once you’ve been switched onto this tariff
- No guarantee: There’s NOT a no-worse-off guarantee like there are with some two-way tariffs (e.g. Ausgrid).
Below is the pricing and structure for the standard SAPN Time of Use tariff and the new RELE2W two-way tariff
Normal TOU tariff structure
RELE2W Two-Way Tariff structure
How to join this tariff
We will reach out to you via email with an opt-in form if you're part of the SmartShift™ program and we suspect that you may be better off on this tariff.
If you want to leave Amber
As the RELE2W tariff is a trial tariff, this is not available at all retailers. If you are planning to move retailers you will need to be moved back to the SAPN Residential Time of Use tariff.
Please email info@amber.com.au and write: ‘Please update my tariff to RTOU’ in order to move over.
More info
For more information, please find the relevant documentation from SA Power Networks here and the 24/25 Tariff Price List.
Should you have any trouble with the enrolment process, feel free to reach out to us - we're here to help.
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