Amber for Business (Beta Product)


Over the last 2 years, we've had hundreds of requests from customers to be able to power their businesses as well as their homes.

We're excited to share that we are now live with Amber for Business!

This product is still in Beta, so we want to share some limitations of the product at the moment and how we'll be developing the product over the coming months and years.


Who is Amber for Business For?

Amber for Business is for business customers (duh!). Specifically it's for Small-Medium Businesses. In the energy market, this is is generally defined as customers who use less than 100MWh each year (equal to about 20x a normal household annual consumption). So it's not currently for the largest customers.

During this Beta period, we're further limiting access to only smaller businesses with less than 20MWh usage per year (about 4-5x a normal household). This is because our electricity wholesale exposure and obligations rise with increasing size of our customers, and we want to start out being cautious and make sure we're building the product and experience in a robust, and high-quality way.

In general, we think Amber for Business will be a great fit for the following types of customers:

  • Businesses who typically use most of their electricity during day-time hours when they can benefit from cheap solar in the grid (e.g. retail stores or cafes)
  • Businesses who already have solar + batteries and are looking to be able to access wholesale prices to maximise the export opportunities of these assets
  • Businesses with large but shiftable load (e.g. pumps) that can be timed to run during high-solar hours


How much does Amber for Business cost?

Amber for Business works in much the same way as our residential product - we simply pass through wholesale costs (including network, metering, and environmental costs) and then add a simple subscription fee on top of this cost.

For the customers on the Beta product, this Subscription fee will be set to just $22/month for the first 12 months you're with us - the exact same as our residential subscription fee.

We want to be transparent though that to make this product sustainable for us and be fair to all our customers, we expect we will charge slightly higher subscription fees for this business product once the Beta period is over. Our indicative subscription fee pricing going forward is:

Size of Business (annual energy consumption) Indicative subscription fee after Beta period
Under 10MWh per year (about 2-3x typical household) $22/month (same as residential subscription)
10MWh - 30MWh per year $30/month
30-60MWh per year $75/month
60-100MWh per year $140/month


Other than this, pricing works the same way for Business customers as for residential customers. You can get a feel for this on our Pricing Page, but one key caveat is that this page currently only shows Residential Network Tariffs. You'll be passed through the Business Tariff from your network that applies for your property - this is typically a few cents/kWh higher than residential tariffs. If you'd like our help understanding what tariff your property has then please reach out to us.


Anything else I should know?

A few more pieces of valuable information:

  1. You can find Basic Plan Information Documents (and Victorian Energy Factsheets) here.
  2. Like our residential products, Business customers are eligible for our price protection that guarantees prices won't be higher than quoted in the Basic Plan Information Documents / Energy Factsheets over each quarterly period.
  3. After the Beta period, we may also start trying to reward Business customers who pre-pay some portion of their bills. Under energy market rules, we are required to deposit capital with the market operator for each of our customers. For a business customer using 100MWh per year, this could be over $2000 that we're required to deposit. As such we may look to reward customers who pre-pay to allow us to cover these capital costs (or look to charge a small fee to cover our financing costs if we need to provide this). But for the Beta period we'll wear these costs.




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