What is the wholesale price made up of?


Amber is a totally different way to buy electricity.

So we want to make sure that you understand exactly what you can expect to pay.


Where does the wholesale rate come from?

With Amber we pass through the true wholesale cost of electricity (with no retail markup) - the true price for your usage that Amber (and other retailers) have to pay to provide you energy, including all generation, delivery, environmental and regulatory costs and fees.

Our $22/month subscription fee is our only margin for running our side of the business.



With the wholesale cost of electricity being the generation price of power and the cost of responsibly and reliably getting this power to your home.





The cost of electricity with Amber can be split into 3 parts:

1. Real-time wholesale usage charges (¢/kWh costs)

With Amber, the price you pay for electricity is adjusted every 30 minutes based on the current wholesale price. 



Amber’s wholesale price is made up of the following components:

Base wholesale price (Generation Costs) - the direct price we pay the electricity generators for their energy. This price changes every 30 minutes, based on supply & demand, otherwise known as the AEMO spot rate - You can see the spot market prices from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) here.

    • The wholesale price you see in the Amber app also includes the additional energy caused by Loss Factors in the Grid between generation and consumption (which are typically 3-5% across the grid).

Network usage costs (Delivery Costs) - a set price per kWh we must pay to use the poles and wires, and pay the people who maintain them (they’re called your local “network” in energy industry lingo). 


Other costs - regulatory compliance costs, carbon offset costs, and a small hedge cost used to fund our fair pricing guarantee.

All retailers pay for these costs, and then add their own profit margin on top of that! We simply pass through these wholesale prices at the cost of supplying this power to your home, with no retail markup.

That’s what makes us different.



an example of cost breakdown for a base wholesale price of 10¢/kWh


2. Wholesale daily supply charge (¢/day)

The second part of the Amber price is a fixed daily charge. This includes daily network charges (an additional daily payment for use of the poles and wires) and metering costs.


3. Amber’s monthly subscription fee ($/Month)

Finally, you include Amber's monthly subscription fee. If you're looking for a daily breakdown, take your monthly fee and divide by the number of days in the month.

Solar exports with Amber(¢/kWh)

Amber treats you like a big solar generator, meaning your Feed-in Tariff varies depending on when you export power, and you’ll receive more during summer when wholesale prices are usually higher. You can see the average wholesale FiT here - https://www.amber.com.au/pricing.



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